Jinnah International Hospital Abbottabad offers higher-end Neurosurgical procedures throughout Pakistan

Jinnah International Hospital Abbottabad offers higher-end Neurosurgical procedures throughout Pakistan Jinnah International Hospital Abbottabad offers higher-end Neurosurgical procedures throughout Pakistan, example are ‘1. Cervical disc disease canterior cervical discectomy done in Jinnah International Hospital Abbottabad by Neurosurgeon Dr. Waseef Ullah, the patient complained of neck pain that radiated in the arm and hand the patient […]
khyposcoliosis and deformity correction surgeries of the spine 1st in the Hazara division

Jinnah International Hospital Abbottabad offers khyposcoliosis Alhumdulillah with the grace of Almighty Allah Jinnah International Hospital Abbottabad offers khyposcoliosis and deformity correction surgeries of the spine 1st in the Hazara division our dynamic neurosurgeon Dr. Waseef Ullah and his team make it possible to consecutive 2 cases with good outcome postoperatively we are proud of […]
One day workshop on “HAND HYGIENE AWARENESS” was conducted by the Chairperson Infection Control Advisory Committee and HOD Gyne/Obs Prof. Dr.Rubina Bashir.

One day workshop on “HAND HYGIENE AWARENESS” was conducted by the Chairperson Infection Control Advisory Committee and HOD Gyne/Obs Prof. Dr.Rubina Bashir. The workshop commenced with a recitation of the Holy Quran, a Welcome address by Prof. Dr. Rubina Bashir highlighting the importance of hand hygiene to prevent infections followed by a Teaching session taken […]
A Hands-on training workshop (BLS) was organized and conducted at the Paediatric Department of Jinnah International Hospital Abbottabad

A Hands-on training workshop (BLS) was organized and conducted at the Paediatric Department of Jinnah International Hospital Abbottabad A Hands-on training workshop (BLS) was organized and conducted at the Paediatric Department of Jinnah International Hospital Abbottabad as part of the Child Resuscitation Program. In the coming weeks, another similar training session for Infants has been […]
An inspection team of the ISO audit committee visited Jinnah International Hospital Abbottabad
An inspection team of the ISO audit committee visited Jinnah International Hospital Abbottabad An inspection team of the ISO audit committee visited Jinnah International Hospital Abbottabad on Tuesday 5 September 2023. A detailed presentation followed by the visit to the Jinnah International Hospital and Women Medical College was given by Col. Hamid Saeed Haq Administrator […]
Postgraduate Training applications for MCPS &FCPS in OBGYN for session July 2023 are invited
