Jinnah International Hospital Abbottabad Blood Bank Inspection


The member of the inspection committee of the Blood Transfusion Authority, Dr. Mohammad Kaleem Khan Hematologist submitted a satisfactory report about Jinnah International Hospital Abbottabad Blood Bank. He further recommended the approval of the Blood Bank’s license and submitted his report to the Chief Executive Office of the Blood Bank Transfusion Authority Peshawar, KPK.

Symposium on leadership and management in health professions education at WM&DC

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A Symposium on Leadership and Management in Health Professions Education Successfully Concluded at WM&DC! Grateful acknowledgments to Dr. M. Abdullah Qazi for insightful facilitation, and heartfelt thanks to Managing Director Dr. Azhar Jadoon, Director Maintenance Mr. Bakhtiar Jadoon, Principal WDC, Assistant Directors especially Mr. Rizwan Khan (finance), Hospital Administrators (JIHA, DHQ & RMPGDH), Vice Principals […]

Appreciation and Farewell to Col Dr. Hamid Saeed Haq and Shirin Zada Khattak

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Appreciation and Farewell to Col Dr. Hamid Saeed Haq and Shirin Zada Khattak As we farewell to Col Dr. Hamid Saeed Haq, Administrator of JINNAH INTERNATIONAL HOSPITAL ABBOTTABAD (JIHA), and Shirin Zada Khattak, Dean of Women Institute of Learning and Rehabilitation Sciences (WILRS), we extend our heartfelt gratitude for their invaluable contributions and leadership.Throughout their […]

Seven-day PCPNC (maternal and newborn care) training course organized by KPK Health Department and UNICEF at WMC

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Seven-day PCPNC (maternal and newborn care) training course organized by KPK Health Department and UNICEF at WMC The seven-day Pregnancy, Childbirth, Postnatal, and Newborn Care Course (PCPNC) was organized by the Health Department of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa with the support of UNICEF Pakistan in collaboration with Women Medical College, Abbottabad. This training course commenced with an […]

Breast Cancer Awareness with Free Checkups

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Breast Cancer Awareness with Free Checkups at WMC & Jinnah Hospital Woman Medical College Abbottabad and Jinnah International Hospital Abbottabad are coming together for a very special cause. From 20th October to 10th November 2023, they’re running a program to raise awareness about breast cancer. During this time, all women can get a free checkup. […]